Vietnamese Cinnamon Top 1 Factory of Vietnamese Cinnamon Tue, 12 Sep 2023 04:41:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Do Not Skip Vietnamese Cinnamon Oil A Must Know Cinnamon Tue, 12 Sep 2023 04:41:49 +0000 Are you a cinnamon importer seeking to elevate your product line? Dive into the enticing world of Vietnamese cinnamon oil, a coveted secret in the spice industry. Uncover the exceptional quality and unparalleled aroma that sets this oil apart from the rest, and find out why it’s a must-have addition to your inventory.

General knowledge of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Let’s get to know this natural gift of Vietnamese cinnamon. 

Unique features of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Vietnam cinnamon oil, or Saigon cinnamon oil, is derived from the Vietnamese cassia variety, is a highly aromatic and flavorful essential oil obtained from cinnamon bark. It is renowned for its distinct and robust flavor profile, making it a prized ingredient in both culinary and non-culinary applications.

Unique features of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Keep in mind that the specific characteristics of Vietnamese cinnamon oil can vary depending on factors such as the cinnamon tree’s age, growing conditions, and the extraction method used. It’s important to source your cinnamon oil from reputable suppliers and verify its quality and safety, especially if you plan to use it in food products or for therapeutic purposes.

The quantity and growing areas of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Saigon cinnamon oil is indeed highly regarded in the cinnamon oil industry for its quality and aromatic properties. Vietnam is one of the leading producers of cinnamon oil in the world, and its production is considered substantial.

Vietnam has several regions known for cinnamon cultivation and oil production, with Yen Bai, Quang Ngai, and Quang Nam being some of the prominent areas for Vietnamese cinnamon oil production. These regions have favorable climate conditions and a long history of cinnamon cultivation, contributing significantly to the country’s overall cinnamon oil output.

The quantity and growing areas of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Various uses of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Saigon cinnamon oil has a wide range of uses in cooking, health, and aromatherapy due to its aromatic and flavorful properties. Here are some common applications:

  • Culinary: Saigon cinnamon oil enhances the flavors of baked goods, spiced beverages, and savory dishes. It is a popular ingredient in the preparation of cinnamon tea, adding a rich and intense cinnamon flavor to the brew. If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of cinnamon tea for your health, it’s advisable to seek out the recipe for cinnamon tea.
  • Health and Wellness: It’s believed to aid digestion and alleviate issues like indigestion, bloating, and gas, some studies suggest it may have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation and associated pain; it’s known for its potential to help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable addition to diets for individuals with diabetes or those at risk.
  • Aromatherapy: Vietnamese cinnamon oil is versatile for aromatherapy, home fragrance, and perfumery, offering a warm and comforting scent, cozy home ambiance, and depth to perfumes.
Various uses of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

Increasing potentials when trading Vietnamese oil cinnamon

Trading Saigon cinnamon oil offers several potential advantages:

  • Government Support: The Vietnamese government often supports the spice industry, including cinnamon production and export. This can come in the form of policies that promote agricultural development, trade agreements, and initiatives to improve quality standards. Government support can provide stability and incentives for traders.
  • Minimal Price Fluctuation: Vietnamese cinnamon oil tends to have relatively stable prices due to its consistent demand and reputation for quality. While prices can fluctuate with changes in supply and market conditions, they generally do not experience extreme volatility compared to some other commodities.
  • High Demand: Vietnamese cinnamon enjoys a high demand worldwide, both in the food industry and for various applications such as aromatherapy and perfumery. The unique flavor and aroma of Vietnamese cinnamon make it a sought-after product, ensuring a steady market for traders.
Increasing potentials when trading Vietnamese oil cinnamon

Referral expense of Vietnamese cinnamon oil


Wholesale price  $400 to $500 per liter
Retail price $900 to $1000 per liter
Export price $600 to $1000 per liter

Vietnamese cinnamon oil commands the highest price among cinnamon products due to its intense concentration, labor-intensive extraction process, stringent quality standards, and versatile uses in various industries. Its limited supply of premium cinnamon bark and global demand further contribute to its premium pricing.

Referral expense of Vietnamese cinnamon oil

All about Vietnamese cinnamon oil suppliers

This part will show some key points to consider when looking for Saigon cinnamon oil suppliers.

Significant signs of fraud Vietnamese cinnamon oil suppliers

Detecting a scam involving Saigon cinnamon oil requires vigilance. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Lack of Information: Scammers often provide vague or minimal product details, including origin, extraction methods, and quality standards. Legitimate sellers typically offer comprehensive information.
  • No Certifications: Reputable sellers often have certifications verifying the product’s quality and authenticity. A lack of these certifications for Vietnamese cinnamon oil could be a red flag.
  • No Return or Refund Policy: Legitimate sellers typically have clear return and refund policies. Scammers often avoid these to prevent potential refunds.
  • Negative Reviews and Feedback: Research the seller and product online. If you find numerous negative reviews or complaints, it’s a warning sign.
  • Pressure Sales Tactics: Be cautious if the seller pressures you to make a quick decision or offers a limited-time deal to create a sense of urgency.

To avoid scams, purchase cinnamon oil from the reputable cinnamon suppliers in Vietnam, verify certifications, and exercise due diligence when researching sellers. If you suspect a scam, refrain from making a purchase and report the seller to appropriate authorities or platforms.

Significant signs of fraud Vietnamese cinnamon oil suppliers

Hoan Nghia Cinnamon – the top choice of Vietnamese cinnamon supplier

At Hoan Nghia Agri Co., we take pride in being a leading provider of agricultural wholesale products based in the vibrant heart of Vietnam. With our roots deeply embedded in this fertile land, we bring you a wealth of expertise and a commitment to quality that’s second to none.

Our company specializes in the cultivation, processing, and distribution of premium Vietnamese cinnamon and its derivatives, including Vietnamese cinnamon oil. We’re dedicated to delivering the finest cinnamon products to our valued partners around the world, consistently meeting the highest standards in quality and sustainability.

Whether you’re seeking top-grade Vietnamese cinnamon bark, rich cinnamon oil, or other related agricultural offerings, Hoan Nghia Agri Co. is your reliable source. Join us in exploring the rich flavors and aromatic treasures that Vietnam has to offer, and let our passion for agriculture enhance your business ventures. Welcome to a world of quality and excellence with Hoan Nghia Cinnamon.

Delicious Sugar Cinnamon Recipe A Flavorful Culinary Guide Sat, 19 Aug 2023 12:21:47 +0000 The combination of velvety sugar and aromatic cinnamon creates a symphony of flavors that’s sure to become a favorite in your repertoire. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure with our sugar cinnamon recipe that promises to satisfy your sweet tooth and awaken your taste buds.

Cinnamon plays important role in the sugar cinnamon recipe

Sugar cinnamon typically refers to a mixture of granulated sugar and ground cinnamon that is often used as a seasoning or topping for various dishes. It’s a popular combination that provides a delightful balance of sweetness from the sugar and warm, aromatic flavor from the cinnamon. This mixture is commonly used to sprinkle over various foods, such as baked goods, desert and beverages.

Cinnamon offers a range of health benefits and taste delights when used in a sugar cinnamon recipe:

  • Health benefits: Adding cinnamon to your recipe for cinnamon sugar offers numerous health benefits. It helps regulate blood sugar, shields cells with antioxidants, reduces inflammation, supports heart health by lowering cholesterol, and aids digestion, promoting overall well-being.
  • Taste delight: Cinnamon adds an inviting aroma to the mix, balancing harmonious sweetness with sugar. Its intricate spicy and earthy notes elevate flavors, while its versatile use allows for culinary exploration. The blend also enhances textures and brings a comforting nostalgia to the taste.

Sugar cinnamon can enhance the flavor of cinnamon tea recipe by adding a touch of sweetness and depth to the aromatic cinnamon notes. Learning how to make cinnamon tea is so easy and adding a sprinkle of sugar cinnamon to your cup of cinnamon tea can transform it into a comforting and flavorful beverage. 

Cinnamon plays important role in the sugar cinnamon recipe

The detailed instruction of sugar cinnamon recipe

Wait no longer, here we show you the best delicious and easy recipe for cinnamon sugar.

Gather the ingredients for the sugar cinnamon recipe

Let’s prepare some important ingredients for the recipe for cinnamon sugar:

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar: Choose a high-quality granulated sugar for the best sugar cinnamon recipe. This type of sugar has fine crystals that blend well with the ground cinnamon, creating a uniform mixture and ensuring even flavor distribution.
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon: Selecting Vietnamese cinnamon ground is the optimal choice for creating sugar cinnamon. Known for its intense flavor and sweet-spicy balance, Vietnamese ground cinnamon enhances your mixture with an aromatic allure. Its premium quality, versatility, and ability to elevate dishes make it a preferred option for enhancing your culinary creations.
Gather the ingredients for the sugar cinnamon recipe

Step by step how to make the perfect sugar cinnamon recipe

Now, let’s get started for the best delicious sugar cinnamon:

  • Mix the Sugar and Cinnamon: In a small bowl, combine the granulated sugar and ground cinnamon. Use a fork or a whisk to thoroughly mix the two ingredients together. This will ensure an even distribution of cinnamon throughout the sugar.
  • Adjust the Ratio (Optional): Depending on your preference, you can adjust the ratio of sugar to cinnamon. If you prefer a stronger cinnamon flavor, you can increase the amount of ground cinnamon slightly. Start with the provided measurements and adjust to your liking.
  • Blend Well: Continuously blend the sugar and cinnamon until you see a uniform mixture. This ensures that each spoonful of the sugar cinnamon recipe contains the perfect balance of sweetness and spice. 
  • Taste and Adjust (Optional): Take a tiny amount of the mixture on your fingertip and taste it. This will give you an idea of the flavor profile. If needed, you can add a bit more cinnamon or sugar to achieve your desired taste.
  • Store the Mixture: Transfer the sugar cinnamon mixture to an airtight container. This will keep the mixture fresh and prevent moisture from affecting its texture. Store the container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Enjoy: Now that you’ve created your own sugar cinnamon mixture, enjoy the delightful taste and aroma it adds to your favorite dishes.

Some usage ideas you can try with the sugar cinnamon:

  • Sprinkle over freshly baked goods such as muffins, cookies, or cinnamon rolls for an added layer of flavor.
  • Mix into your morning oatmeal or yogurt for a delicious breakfast treat.
  • Dust over buttered toast, pancakes, or waffles to elevate your brunch.
  • Use as a topping for ice cream or desserts to add a hint of warmth and sweetness.
Step by step how to make the perfect sugar cinnamon recipe

Where to buy quality powder cinnamon for the sugar cinnamon recipe

For the best result of the sugar cinnamon recipe, you should find quality ground cinnamon, or powder cinnamon, in various places, both online and in physical stores. Here are some options:

  • Local Grocery Stores: Most well-stocked grocery stores carry ground spices, including cinnamon. Look for brands that are known for their quality and freshness. Many stores offer both generic and premium options.
  • Specialty Food Stores: Specialty food stores, gourmet markets, or natural food stores often carry a wide selection of spices, including high-quality ground cinnamon. These stores may offer organic or artisanal options as well.
  • Health Food Stores: Health food stores often carry organic and premium spices, including ground cinnamon. You can find options that are free from additives or preservatives.
  • Online Retailers: Online platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and various spice retailers offer a vast range of cinnamon options. Be sure to read reviews and check the product details for information about the source and quality of the cinnamon.
  • Ethnic or International Markets: If you have access to ethnic or international markets, they can be excellent sources for quality ground spices, including cinnamon. These markets may offer different varieties of cinnamon, each with distinct flavors.
  • Farmers’ Markets: Some farmers’ markets may have vendors selling locally sourced spices. This can be a great way to support local producers and ensure freshness.

Remember that the quality of the cinnamon can significantly affect the taste of your dishes, so investing in a quality and reliable place where to buy cinnamon powder can make a noticeable difference in your recipes.

Organic Saigon Cinnamon Unveiling the Aromatic Allure and Culinary Wonders Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:20:41 +0000 Delve into the enchanting realm of organic Saigon cinnamon as we unravel its aromatic allure and culinary marvels. From its captivating fragrance to its versatile applications in the kitchen, join us in discovering the secrets behind this exceptional spice that elevates every dish it graces.

An Introduction to the Unique Organic Saigon Cinnamon

Firstly, let’s dive into the historic story and the unique character of organic saigon cinnamon. 

Historical Background of Organic Saigon Cinnamon

Organic Saigon cinnamon, scientifically known as Cinnamomum loureiroi or “Cinnamomum aromaticum,” has a rich historical background deeply intertwined with the cultural and culinary tapestry of Southeast Asia. Native to the lush regions of Vietnam, particularly around the city of Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), this variety of cinnamon has played a significant role in various aspects of society throughout history.

Centuries ago, Saigon cinnamon was highly valued for its distinctive flavor and aromatic qualities. Its unique taste profile, which is characterized by a sweeter and more intense flavor compared to other cinnamon varieties, made it a prized spice in both local and international trade. Traders and merchants from different parts of the world sought this exotic spice, contributing to the development of vibrant spice routes and commerce networks.

In traditional Vietnamese cuisine, Saigon cinnamon found its place in a wide range of dishes, from savory to sweet. Its warm and fragrant notes complemented soups, stews, and curries, infusing them with a depth of flavor that became synonymous with Vietnamese culinary identity. Moreover, this cinnamon was cherished for its potential health benefits in various traditional medicinal practices.

Over time, Saigon cinnamon gained recognition beyond its homeland. It became a sought-after ingredient in cuisines around the globe, as chefs and home cooks discovered its ability to transform recipes with its exquisite taste and aroma. 

Historical Background of Organic Saigon Cinnamon

The Unique Character of Organic Saigon Cinnamon

The unique character of Organic Saigon Cinnamon sets it apart as a truly exceptional spice, cherished by chefs, home cooks, and connoisseurs alike. Distinct from its cinnamon counterparts, this remarkable variety boasts a range of captivating qualities that elevate its culinary and aromatic prowess.

  • Aromatic Intensity: Organic Saigon Cinnamon captivates the senses with its remarkable aromatic intensity. Its sweet and spicy fragrance permeates the air, hinting at the delightful taste experience it promises to deliver. The depth of its aroma creates a sensory journey that begins long before the first bite.
  • Exquisite Flavor Profile: Renowned for its complex and irresistible flavor, Saigon Cinnamon unveils layers of taste that dance harmoniously on the palate. Its profile is notably sweeter and more robust compared to other cinnamons, infusing dishes with a captivating richness that’s both comforting and alluring.
  • Culinary Versatility: From savory to sweet, Organic Saigon Cinnamon effortlessly traverses culinary boundaries. It effortlessly weaves itself into a tapestry of cuisines, enhancing curries, desserts, baked goods, and beverages. This versatility allows chefs and cooks to explore its creative potential in a myriad of recipes, each bearing the distinctive mark of its flavor.
  • Health and Well-being: Beyond its culinary appeal, Saigon Cinnamon organic also offers potential health benefits. Known for its historical use in traditional medicine, it’s believed to possess benefits of saigon cinnamon that support digestion, circulation, and overall well-being. Incorporating this spice into your dishes can add not only flavor but also a touch of potential vitality.

In the world of spices, Organic Saigon Cinnamon stands as a testament to the power of nature’s diversity. Its unique character, characterized by aromatic allure, exceptional flavor, and cultural significance, invites us to embark on a flavorful journey that transcends the ordinary and awakens our taste for the extraordinary.

The Unique Character of Organic Saigon Cinnamon

Potential benefits when importing organic saigon cinnamon

Importing organic Saigon cinnamon can offer a range of benefits, both from a culinary and economic perspective. Here are some potential advantages of importing this special spice:

  • Culinary Diversity: The distinct flavor of Saigon cinnamon can provide a competitive edge to culinary businesses, allowing chefs and cooks to create innovative recipes and stand out in a crowded market. Its versatile use in both sweet and savory dishes can lead to menu diversification. You can refer to the difference between saigon cinnamon vs regular to see the advantages of saigon cinnamon. 
  • Health and Wellness Appeal: Saigon cinnamon is believed to have potential health benefits, such as promoting better digestion, regulating blood sugar levels, and possessing antioxidant properties. Importing organic Saigon cinnamon can attract health-conscious consumers seeking natural ingredients for their well-being.
  • Premium Market Positioning: Due to its superior quality and unique characteristics, Saigon cinnamon organic can be positioned as a premium product. This positioning can justify higher price points and cater to consumers willing to pay more for exceptional ingredients.
  • Supporting Sustainable Practices: Organic farming methods used in the production of Saigon cinnamon often involve sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Importing organic spices supports these practices and contributes to the global movement toward more sustainable agriculture.
  • Economic Opportunities: Importing organic Saigon cinnamon can create economic opportunities for both the exporting and importing countries. It supports local farmers and communities in the producing region while generating revenue and business growth in the importing market.
  • Diversification of Spice Offerings: For spice retailers and wholesalers, importing organic Saigon cinnamon can expand their product offerings and attract a broader customer base seeking unique and high-quality ingredients.

Before importing, it’s important to research and understand regulations, certifications, and potential challenges associated with the spice trade. Collaborating with reliable suppliers, understanding market demand, and developing marketing strategies are crucial steps in making the most of the benefits offered by importing organic Saigon cinnamon.

Potential benefits when importing organic saigon cinnamon

Choosing and Storing Organic Saigon Cinnamon: Tips and Tricks

Choosing and storing organic Saigon cinnamon properly is essential to ensure its quality, flavor, and aroma are preserved. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your Saigon cinnamon:

Choosing Organic Saigon Cinnamon:

  • Source from Reputable Suppliers: Purchase organic Saigon cinnamon from trusted and reputable suppliers or brands known for their quality spices. Look for certifications that verify the authenticity and organic status of the product.
  • Check Appearance: Saigon cinnamon organic should have a rich reddish-brown color and a slightly rough texture. It should be in the form of tightly rolled quills or sticks, which indicates its authenticity.
  • Aroma Test: Gently break a piece of cinnamon stick and take a sniff. High-quality Saigon cinnamon will have a strong, sweet, and aromatic fragrance. The aroma should be more intense compared to other cinnamon varieties.
  • Avoid Added Ingredients: Ensure that the cinnamon you choose is pure and does not contain any added ingredients, fillers, or preservatives.

Storing Organic Saigon Cinnamon:

  • Keep Organic Saigon Cinnamon Out of Light and Heat: Store organic Saigon cinnamon in an airtight container out of the path of light and heat. Flavor and aroma can be damaged by light, heat, and moisture exposure.
  • Select a cold Place: Place the cinnamon container in a cold, dry location, like a pantry or spice cupboard. Keep it away from heaters and other heat sources when storing it.
  • Cinnamon Grind vs. Whole Sticks: The smell and perfume of whole cinnamon sticks typically last longer than those of ground cinnamon. To optimum freshness, buy whole sticks if you can, and grind them as needed.
  • Ensure the container is properly sealed to prevent air from entering and causing the cinnamon to lose its flavor.
  • Use Desiccant Packets: You can help the cinnamon’s shelf life by putting a food-grade desiccant packet in the container to absorb extra moisture.
  • Mark and Date: To maintain track of the cinnamon’s freshness if you move it to a different container, mark it with the date of purchase.

Tips for Using Organic Saigon Cinnamon:

  • Grind as Needed: If you’re using whole cinnamon sticks, consider grinding them just before use to preserve the flavor and aroma. Use a spice grinder or mortar and pestle for this purpose.
  • Start with Small Amounts: Saigon cinnamon has a stronger flavor than other varieties, so start with smaller amounts when adding it to recipes and adjust to taste.
  • Pair with Complementary Flavors: Experiment with using Saigon cinnamon in both sweet and savory dishes. It pairs well with ingredients like apples, pears, chocolate, coffee, and certain meats.
  • Infuse Liquids: Add whole cinnamon sticks to liquids like hot beverages, stews, and sauces to infuse the flavor gradually.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your organic Saigon cinnamon remains fresh, flavorful, and aromatic, enhancing your culinary creations with its unique and delightful taste.

Choosing and Storing Organic Saigon Cinnamon

How to find the best organic saigon cinnamon suppliers

Navigating the spice market for premium organic Saigon cinnamon demands thorough scrutiny. Look for certified suppliers with recognized organic credentials, guaranteeing quality. 

Assess product details, sourcing, and customer reviews. Request samples to ascertain its rich aroma and flavor. Communication, professionalism, and prompt responses indicate reliability. 

A visit to supplier facilities can offer deeper insights. Compare prices and terms, ensuring they align with your business needs. Finally, establish a solid contract to secure a trustworthy and consistent source of this exquisite spice.

Delicious Apple Cinnamon Recipe To Treat Your Family Sun, 30 Jul 2023 08:59:20 +0000 In this article, we’ll guide you through a scrumptious apple cinnamon recipe that’s easy to make and sure to impress your family and friends. So, grab some fresh apples and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that celebrates the best of autumn’s bounty!

The important role of cinnamon in apple cinnamon recipe

The role of cinnamon in a recipe for apple cinnamon is crucial as it brings a distinct and essential flavor profile that complements the natural sweetness of the apples. Its inclusion in the recipe enhances the overall taste, aroma, and visual appeal of the dish. Here are some important roles of cinnamon in an apple cinnamon recipe:

  • Flavor Enhancer: Cinnamon is renowned for its rich, warm, and slightly sweet taste. When combined with apples, it creates a delightful balance of flavors. The spice adds depth and complexity to the dish, making it more interesting and satisfying to the palate.
  • Aromatic Sensation: Cinnamon is known for its inviting and comforting aroma. The scent of cinnamon can evoke feelings of nostalgia and warmth, making the dish not only delicious but also emotionally comforting.
  • Natural Sweetness: Although cinnamon itself is not overly sweet, it has a naturally sweet taste that complements the sugars present in apples. By using cinnamon in the recipe, it reduces the need for additional sweeteners, creating a more wholesome and balanced dessert.

Besides, the benefits of cinnamon in a recipe not only provides a delicious and comforting treat but also offers potential health benefits. Ceylon cinnamon, in particular, offers a range of Ceylon cinnamon benefits, including aiding digestion, providing antioxidants, and reducing inflammation. These unique advantages will undoubtedly add a memorable touch to your culinary adventures.

The important role of cinnamon in apple cinnamon recipe

The step by step delicious and easy apple cinnamon recipe

Let’s come up with the easiest recipe to make apple cinnamon.

Indispensable ingredients for the apple cinnamon recipe

Here are the ingredients you’ll need for the classic apple cinnamon, serving 4 to 6:

  • 4-5 medium-sized apples: Choose your preferred variety, such as Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, or Fuji
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon: The best recommendation for you is Korintje cinnamon powder. Cinnamon Korintje powder enhances the taste of apple cinnamon recipe due to its intensive flavor profile and aromatic qualities.
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar: or any sweetener of your choice, like brown sugar or maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter: or a non-dairy alternative for a vegan version
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice: to enhance the apple’s flavor and prevent browning
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour: for thickening the apple cinnamon mixture
  • Optional: Nutmeg or other spices (for additional flavor, if desired)
Indispensable ingredients for the apple cinnamon recipe-2
Indispensable ingredients for the apple cinnamon recipe

Step by step making instructions for the apple cinnamon recipe

Here’s a simple and delicious recipe for apple cinnamon for you:

  • Prepare the Apples: Wash the apples thoroughly under running water. Peel the apples and remove the cores. Cut the apples into slices or chunks, depending on your preference. If you like a chunkier texture, cut thicker slices, or if you prefer a softer consistency, cut thinner slices.
  • Toss the Apples: In a mixing bowl, combine the apple slices with lemon juice, tossing gently to coat. The lemon juice not only adds flavor but also helps prevent the apples from browning.
  • Add the Cinnamon Sugar Mixture: In a separate small bowl, mix the ground cinnamon, granulated sugar, and optional spices if using (e.g., nutmeg). Stir until well combined.
  • Coat the Apples: Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture over the apple slices, making sure all the apples are evenly coated. Again, gently toss the apples to ensure the cinnamon sugar mixture is well distributed. This step requires the most ingenuity in the apple cinnamon recipe
  • Thicken the Sauce: In a skillet or saucepan over medium heat, melt the unsalted butter. Once the butter has melted, add the coated apple slices and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Create a Sauce: Sprinkle the all-purpose flour over the apples and stir well to create a light sauce that coats the apples. The sauce will help bind the cinnamon and sugar to the apples and create a glossy finish.
  • Simmer Until Tender: Lower the heat to medium-low and let the apples simmer for an additional 5-7 minutes or until they become tender but not mushy. Be careful not to overcook them; you want the apples to retain their shape.
  • Serve Warm: Once the apples are tender and the sauce has thickened, remove the skillet from the heat. Allow the apple cinnamon mixture to cool slightly before serving.
Step by step making instructions for the apple cinnamon recipe-3
Step by step making instructions for the apple cinnamon recipe

Some serving suggestion for you apple cinnamon recipe

And here comes the serving suggestion for you to enjoy the best satisfied:

  • Serve the warm apple cinnamon mixture as is for a delightful and comforting dessert.
  • Pair it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream for an indulgent treat.
  • Use the apple cinnamon mixture as a filling for pies, tarts, or turnovers.
  • Enjoy it as a topping for pancakes, waffles, or oatmeal for a delicious breakfast option.

Here we introduce another delightful cinnamon recipe – the mouth watering cinnamon roll recipe! Not only is this recipe simple to make, but it also promises a scrumptious experience. Similar to the apple cinnamon recipe, recipe of cinnamon roll offers the same health benefits, making them a wholesome and indulgent treat for you to savor.

Step by step making instructions for the apple cinnamon recipe-4
Some serving suggestion for you apple cinnamon recipe

Where to buy cinnamon powder for your apple cinnamon recipe

Cinnamon powder is a common spice and can be found in various places. Here are some common places where you can buy cinnamon powder:

  • Grocery Stores: Most grocery stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets carry cinnamon powder in the spice section. Look for it in the aisle where other spices and herbs are displayed.
  • Health Food Stores: Health food stores often offer a selection of organic and high-quality spices, including cinnamon powder. They might also carry different varieties of cinnamon, such as Ceylon cinnamon.
  • Online Retailers: Numerous online retailers, such as Amazon, Walmart, and specialty spice shops, sell cinnamon powder. You can easily browse and order it from the comfort of your home.
  • Local Markets: Some local markets or farmers’ markets might have vendors selling freshly ground cinnamon powder or cinnamon sticks that you can grind at home.
  • Ethnic Grocery Stores: If you have access to ethnic or international grocery stores, they are likely to carry a wide range of spices, including various types of cinnamon powder from different regions.
  • Bulk Stores: Bulk stores or wholesale stores often have a large selection of spices, and you can purchase cinnamon powder in larger quantities at a lower price.

When seeking where to buy cinnamon powder, consider checking the packaging for the variety of cinnamon used (e.g., Korintje or Ceylon) and look for high-quality brands for the best flavor. 

Where To Buy Cinnamon Sticks A Guide For Cinnamon Importers Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:34:30 +0000 Whether you’re seeking the finest cinnamon sticks, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the world of where to buy cinnamon sticks and uncover the best options available for your needs.

Where to buy cinnamon sticks: Ceylon or Cassia cinnamon sticks?

There are two different varieties of cinnamon, each with distinct characteristics and flavors:

  • Ceylon cinnamon sticks: Ceylon cinnamon sticks have a delicate texture, light brown color, and sweet flavor with citrusy notes. The Ceylon cinnamon stick contains lower coumarin levels than Cassia cinnamon, making them safer for consumption in larger quantities.
  • Cassia cinnamon sticks: Cassia cinnamon sticks have a rough texture and strong, spicy flavor due to its higher cinnamaldehyde content. It contains more coumarin than Ceylon cinnamon, so excessive consumption may have adverse effects on the liver and kidneys, particularly for sensitive individuals.
Where to buy cinnamon sticks: Ceylon or Cassia cinnamon sticks?

Significant exporting countries where to buy cinnamon sticks

Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, and China were significant exporting countries where to get cinnamon sticks:

  • Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka is the most notable country where to buy Ceylon cinnamon sticks. Sri Lanka has a long history of cinnamon cultivation and is one of the major exporters of cinnamon sticks in the world. The country’s unique climate and soil conditions contribute to the distinct flavor and aroma of its cinnamon.
  • Vietnam: Vietnam is another major country where to buy cinnamon sticks, particularly the Cassia variety. Vietnamese cinnamon is valued for its bold and spicy flavor, making it popular in various cuisines and food processing industries.
  • Indonesia: Indonesia is a significant player in the global cinnamon market, with Korintje cinnamon being produced and exported from the country. Cinnamon Korintje is well-known for its versatility and is used in various culinary applications worldwide, as well as being the largest quantitative and available cinnamon variety.
  • China: China is also a notable exporter of cinnamon sticks, predominantly Cassia cinnamon. Chinese cinnamon is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and is an essential ingredient in many Chinese dishes.
Significant exporting countries where to buy cinnamon sticks

Identifying the locations where to buy cinnamon sticks

“Where can I buy cinnamon sticks?” Wait no longer, let’s figure out typical places where can you buy cinnamon sticks.

Where to buy cinnamon sticks in retail

Cinnamon sticks can be readily found in various retail outlets. Here are some common places where you can buy cinnamon sticks in retail:

  • Grocery Stores: Most grocery stores carry cinnamon sticks in the spice aisle or international foods section. You can find them in small packs or in bulk containers.
  • Specialty Food Stores: Specialty food stores, gourmet shops, and spice markets often offer a wide range of high-quality spices, including cinnamon sticks.
  • Health Food Stores: Health food stores and natural markets might stock organic or ethically sourced cinnamon sticks.
  • Supermarkets: Larger supermarkets and hypermarkets are typically the most popular places where to buy cinnamon sticks that have a diverse selection of spices, including cinnamon sticks, available for purchase.
  • Online Retailers: E-commerce platforms and online spice shops such as Amazon or Etsy offer the convenience of buying cinnamon sticks from the comfort of your home.
  • Farmers’ Markets: Some local farmers’ markets may have vendors selling fresh cinnamon sticks and other spices.
  • Asian or Ethnic Markets: Cinnamon sticks are commonly found in Asian markets or stores specializing in ethnic foods.
Where to buy cinnamon sticks in retail

Where to buy cinnamon sticks in bulk

To buy cinnamon sticks in bulk, consider these options:

  • Wholesale Spice Suppliers: Look for wholesalers specializing in spices, as they often offer cinnamon sticks in larger quantities at discounted rates.
  • Bulk Food Retailers: Some warehouse-style bulk food retailers provide the option to purchase cinnamon sticks in large quantities at competitive prices.
  • Online Wholesale Marketplaces: Explore B2B marketplaces that connect buyers with suppliers, where to buy cinnamon sticks from various sellers.
  • Spice Importers and Distributors: Contact spice importers or distributors, as they usually deal with large quantities and may offer bulk pricing.
  • Spice Farms or Cooperatives: If feasible, consider reaching out to spice farms or cooperatives directly for bulk orders of cinnamon sticks.
  • Trade Shows and Expos: Attend spice trade shows or expos where you can connect with suppliers offering cinnamon sticks in bulk.
  • International Suppliers: Some countries known for cinnamon production, like Sri Lanka or Vietnam, may have suppliers who export cinnamon sticks in large quantities.

For finding where to buy Ceylon cinnamon sticks, you can check out the article Where to buy Ceylon cinnamon, which provides you with further detailed information to help you get to the best Ceylon cinnamon sticks.

Where to buy cinnamon sticks in bulk

Considerations when choosing where to buy cinnamon sticks

When buying cinnamon sticks, there are several important considerations to keep in mind to ensure you get the best quality product. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Quality and Authenticity: Look for genuine and high-quality cinnamon sticks. Authenticity is crucial, especially when buying premium varieties like Ceylon cinnamon.
  • Sourcing and Origin: Know the country of origin and sourcing practices of the cinnamon sticks. Cinnamon from certain regions, like Sri Lanka, is highly regarded for its flavor and aroma.
  • Packaging: Check the packaging to ensure it’s airtight and well-sealed. Proper packaging helps retain the freshness and aroma of the cinnamon sticks.
  • Purity and Additives: Ensure that the cinnamon sticks are free from additives, preservatives, or any other contaminants.
  • Price and Bulk Discounts: Compare prices from different suppliers, and inquire about bulk discounts if you’re buying in larger quantities.
  • Supplier Reputation: Choose reputable suppliers or brands known for their quality cinnamon products. Read reviews and testimonials from other customers, if available.
  • Certifications: Look for certifications or third-party lab tests that guarantee the cinnamon’s quality, purity, and adherence to safety standards.

By taking these considerations into account, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you purchase high-quality cinnamon sticks that meet your specific needs and preferences.

Considerations when choosing where to buy cinnamon sticks

Some famous companies where to buy cinnamon sticks

Here are some reliable cinnamon sticks companies that you can rely on for high-quality cinnamon sticks in bulk:

  • Cinnamon New Lanka Pvt Ltd: Cinnamon New Lanka is a renowned cinnamon company based in Sri Lanka, the land of authentic Ceylon cinnamon. With decades of expertise in the spice industry, they take great pride in sourcing and exporting premium-quality cinnamon sticks. As trusted suppliers, Cinnamon New Lanka is a go-to choice for businesses seeking genuine Ceylon cinnamon sticks that add a touch of authenticity to culinary creations and wellness products.
  • Hoan Nghia Cinnamon: Hoan Nghia Cinnamon is a leading Vietnamese cinnamon company specializing in the supply of premium Cassia cinnamon sticks. With a reputation for top-notch quality and ethical sourcing, Hoan Nghia Cinnamon caters to the diverse demands of global customers, providing a flavorful spice that adds depth to a wide range of dishes and beverages.
  • Vina Samex: Vina Samex is a well-established cinnamon company in Vietnam, where to buy cinnamon sticks, recognized for its exceptional selection of Cassia cinnamon sticks. Committed to excellence, Vinasamex brand meticulously handpicks and processes their cinnamon to ensure unparalleled freshness and potency. 
  • Rempah Sari Company: Rempah Sari stands as a prominent cinnamon company in Indonesia, delivering top-tier cinnamon sticks to the global market. Their dedication to sustainable farming practices and a rigorous quality assurance process guarantees the finest cinnamon products. 
  • Guangxi Innov Company: Guangxi Innov is a reputable cinnamon company based in China, specializing in the production and export of Cassia cinnamon sticks. With an extensive global distribution network, Guangxi Innov continues to be a preferred choice for those seeking high-quality Cassia cinnamon to elevate the taste and aroma of their culinary endeavors.
Delicious And Easy Homemade Cinnamon Bread Recipe For Your Family Sat, 22 Jul 2023 04:53:45 +0000 Cinnamon bread is a type of sweet, yeast-based bread infused with the warm and aromatic flavors of cinnamon. It is often characterized by its soft and tender texture, and it typically features a delightful cinnamon swirl throughout the bread, providing bursts of cinnamon goodness in every bite. If you are keen on making this lovely bread, let’s dive in and discover the magic of cinnamon bread recipe!

The magic of cinnamon in cinnamon bread recipe

Cinnamon, derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees, originated in Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia and China captivating the world with its unique taste and medicinal value. Valued for both culinary and therapeutic benefits, it’s believed to aid digestion and alleviate cold symptoms.

Organic cinnamon, especially, offers an array of benefits, including being rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and having anti-inflammatory properties. With the warm, aromatic flavor, organic cinnamon benefits are versatile and can be incorporated into various dishes for both its health-promoting qualities and delightful taste.

Some highlight unique features of cinnamon to the baked goods: 

  • Alluring flavor profile: What makes cinnamon so enticing is its distinctive sweet and woody taste, along with its warm and comforting aroma. This versatile spice complements a wide range of dishes, from sweet treats like apple pie and cinnamon rolls to savory recipes like spiced stews and curries, adding depth and complexity to culinary creations.
  • The perfect pairing of cinnamon and baked goods: Cinnamon’s perfect pairing with baked goods, especially the cinnamon bread recipe, creates a delectable treat that evokes nostalgia and comfort. The enchanting taste permeates the soft bread, and as it bakes, the kitchen fills with a cozy aroma.
The benefits of cinnamon in cinnamon bread recipe

The cinnamon bread recipe step by step for the perfect bread

In the next section, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step instructions to create a heavenly loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. Get ready to immerse yourself in the joy of baking and the magic of cinnamon!

Gather ingredients for the cinnamon bread recipe

To embark on the delightful journey of creating cinnamon bread, gather the following ingredients. This recipe makes one standard-sized loaf of cinnamon bread:

  • 3 cups of flour: Choose all-purpose flour for a versatile and balanced texture, or opt for bread flour for a slightly chewy crumb.
  • 1/4 cup sugar: Granulated sugar provides the right amount of sweetness to complement the cinnamon swirl.
  • 1/4 cup butter: Unsalted butter adds richness and a buttery flavor to the bread.
  • 2 large eggs: Eggs help bind the ingredients together, providing structure to the dough.
  • 1/2 cup milk: Use whole milk for a tender and moist bread, though other milk types like almond or oat milk can be replaced for dietary preferences.
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast: This essential leavening agent activates the dough, helping it rise and achieve a light, airy texture.
  • 1 teaspoon salt: A pinch of salt enhances the flavors and balances the sweetness of the bread.
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon: The star of the show! And for the most intense and perfectly flavored bread, opt for ground Saigon cinnamon. Ground Saigon cinnamon boasts a rich, bold, and intensely sweet flavor. It is often described as having a spicy-sweet profile, making it a preferred choice for adding a powerful and delightful taste to the cinnamon bread recipe
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar (optional): For an extra touch of caramel-like sweetness in the cinnamon swirl.
The ingredients for the cinnamon bread recipe

Step by step baking instructions for the cinnamon bread recipe

Instructions for baking the cinnamon bread:

  • Activate the yeast: Warm the milk in a tiny saucepan over low heat until it is warm but not hot to the touch (around 105°F to 115°F or 40°C to 46°C). Stir in 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and sprinkle the yeast over the milk. Let it sit undisturbed for about 5-10 minutes until the yeast becomes frothy and bubbles form on the surface. This indicates that the yeast is active and ready for use.
  • Mix the dough for the cinnamon bread recipe: In a big mixing bowl, combine the flour, remaining granulated salt and sugar. Add the softened butter and the activated yeast mixture. Crack in the eggs. Using a wooden spoon or a stand mix tool with a dough hook attachment, mix the ingredients until they form a soft, slightly sticky dough.
Mix the dough for the cinnamon bread recipe
  • Kneading the dough: If using a stand mix tool, kneading the dough with the hook on low to medium speed for about 5 minutes until it becomes elastic and smooth. If kneading with your hand, remember to lightly clean the surface with flour and knead it for approximately 8 to 10 minutes until it reaches the desired consistency.
  • First rise in the recipe for cinnamon bread: Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a greased bowl, turning it to coat the surface with oil. Wrap the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap. Allow the dough to rise in a warm, draft-free place for about 1 to 1.5 hours or until it doubles in size.
  • Preparing the cinnamon swirl: In a small bowl, mix the ground cinnamon with the brown sugar (if using) to create the cinnamon swirl mixture. Set it aside.
  • Shaping the bread: After the dough has risen, gently punch it down to release the air. Transfer the dough to a surface covered by flour and form it into a rectangle approximately 9×12 inches (23×30 cm).
  • Adding the cinnamon swirl: Evenly spread the cinnamon swirl mixture over the rolled-out dough, leaving a small border around the edges. Starting from one of the shorter sides, tightly roll the dough into a log, sealing the edge.
  • Second rise in the cinnamon bread recipe: Place the rolled dough into a greased loaf pan, seam side down. Cover it again with a kitchen plastic wrap or a towel, allowing it to rise for an additional 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Preheat the oven: Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 350°F (or 175°C).
  • Baking: Once the dough has risen on the pan, transfer it to the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 30-35 minutes or til the bread turns golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on top.
  • Cooling: Remove the cinnamon bread from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Then, transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely before slicing then enjoy your masterpiece. 

Note: For best results, store any leftovers in an airtight container or resealable bag to maintain freshness. Enjoy within a few days or freeze for longer storage.

Cooling step in the cinnamon bread recipe

Purchase cinnamon from Hoan Nghia Cinnamon for the best cinnamon bread recipe

In this part, we take pride in sourcing and providing the finest quality ground Saigon cinnamon, perfect for infusing your recipe for cinnamon bread with an intense and delightful flavor.

Why choose cinnamon from Hoan Nghia Cinnamon for your cinnamon bread recipe

Here are reasons why Hoan Nghia Cinnamon Company would be the first choice:

  • Exceptional flavor: Saigon cinnamon possesses rich, bold taste with captivating sweetness and warm, spicy notes to perfect your cinnamon bread recipe.
  • Maximum freshness: Hoan Nghia Cinnamon Company carefully selected and processed for irresistible aroma and taste in every bite.
  • Ethical sourcing: Our Saigon cinnamon is responsibly obtained from trusted suppliers supporting spice-growing communities.
  • Finely ground: Our ground cinnamon is smooth, consistent texture for effortless blending into your dough in your recipe for cinnamon bread.
  • Preserved quality: Our packaging is designed and expertly packaged to maintain freshness from our doorstep to yours.
Why should you choose cinnamon from Hoan Nghia Cinnamon for your cinnamon bread recipe

How to contact Hoan Nghia Cinnamon Company

For a comprehensive insight into the world of Hoan Nghia Cinnamon’s Saigon cinnamon, explore our website and reach out to us via:



Phone (Whatsapp): +84 994 68 5555

Office address: 558 Quang Trung street, La Khe, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam

Potential Vietnamese Cinnamon That You Cannot Ignore Sat, 01 Jul 2023 03:33:22 +0000 Discover the aromatic allure of Vietnamese cinnamon, a spice that tantalizes the senses with its rich, sweet flavor and warm, woody notes, making it a must-have in every kitchen. If you’re interested in exploring the possibility of trading Vietnamese cinnamon and looking for information on where to find suppliers, this article can provide you with the necessary information.

The overall look on Vietnamese cinnamon

Firstly, we are going to answer that question “what is Vietnamese cinnamon?”.

The original of Vietnamese cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon  is a type of cinnamon that comes from the bark of trees belonging to the Cinnamomum loureiroi species. This species is native to Vietnam and the highest quality cinnamon is typically sourced from the Vietnamese provinces of Yen Bai and Quang Nam.

The original of Vietnamese cinnamon

Significant characteristics of cinnamon from Vietnam

Vietnamese cinnamon distinguishes itself from other forms of cinnamon by having a unique cinnamon characteristics, flavor, and aroma.

  • Appearance: The bark of Vietnamese cinnamon is thick and dark brown, with deep, wide ridges and a rough, scaly texture. The inner bark has a reddish-brown color and is thinner and more delicate than the outer bark.
  • Taste: Vietnamese cinnamon has a warm, spicily sweet flavor with a hint of bitterness. It has a lasting, sweet and savory flavor and is richer and more robust than other varieties of cinnamon.
  • Aroma: Vietnamese cinnamon has a rich, overpowering perfume that is evocative of clove and nutmeg. It is sweet and spicy. Its aroma can fill a space with a pleasant, comforting feeling.
Moisture 13 – 14% max
Oil content 5%
Length 8 – 15cm
Skin thickness 2 – 3.5 mm
Characteristics of Vietnamese cinnamon

Growing areas and large quantity of Vietnamese cinnamon

The General Department of Forestry has reported that Vietnam has a cinnamon cultivation area of approximately 170,000 hectares. The provinces with the most extensive cinnamon cultivation are Lao Cai (53.3 thousand ha), Yen Bai (81 thousand ha), and Quang Nam (around 15 thousand ha), comprising about 70% of the country’s cinnamon cultivation area. The yearly quantity of cinnamon bark reserves is estimated to be between 900 thousand to 1.2 million tons. On average, the cinnamon production yields around 70 to 80 thousand tons annually.

Recent data suggests a high demand for Vietnamese cinnamon, making it a potentially profitable investment for wholesalers seeking to purchase the product.

Growing areas and quantity of Vietnamese cinnamon

Various health benefits of Vietnamese cinnamon

Cinnamon in Vietnam has a range of potential health benefits, thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Here are some of the benefits associated with consuming cinnamon from Vietnam:

  • Reduces inflammation: Cinnamon Vietnamese contains cinnamaldehyde, a compound that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a potentially useful dietary supplement for individuals with conditions that involve chronic inflammation, such as arthritis.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels: Studies have shown that consuming Vietnamese cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity. This makes it a promising natural treatment option for individuals with type 2 diabetes.
  • Improves heart health: Cinnamon in Vietnamese may have beneficial effects on heart health by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also has antioxidant properties that can help protect the heart against oxidative stress.
  • Boosts brain function: Some research suggests that the compounds found in Vietnam cinnamon may have neuroprotective effects and could help improve cognitive function in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Fights infections: The cinnamaldehyde found in Vietnam cinnamon has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which means it may be useful in fighting bacterial and fungal infections.

As a result, Vietnam cinnamon is intensively sought-after all over the world. Wholesalers can take advantage of trading cinnamon Vietnamese for great revenue.  

Read more to understand about the difference between Vietnamese cinnamon and regular cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon vs Ceylon 

Vietnamese cinnamon benefits

The developed potential when importing Vietnamese cinnamon 

There are several reasons why importing Vietnam cinnamon can lead to significant profits. These have made it an attractive product for importers, with the potential for significant profits:

  • Long-standing reputation: One of the best-known and most expensive varieties of cinnamon in the world is Vietnamese cinnamon, which has a longstanding reputation for excellence. Its reputation as a healthy spice comes from its distinctive flavor and scent as well as its high content of cinnamaldehyde, a substance with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.
  • Minor fluctuations in the pricing of the cinnamon industry: Unlike other commodities, Vietnam cinnamon is not subject to seasonal harvesting pressures. When prices are low, farmers do not need to harvest immediately, as the cinnamon tree continues to grow and the next crop can be harvested later. As a result, the price of Vietnam cinnamon tends to be relatively stable, with only small variations in price.
  • Government support: Vietnamese government of Agriculture industry has participated in various bilateral and multilateral trade agreements such as the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). These agreements may provide importers with advantageous tariff rates and other trade perks for importing Vietnamese cinnamon.
  • Efficient transportation: Vietnam has a strong transportation system that includes interconnected ports, highways, and railways, facilitating seamless transportation of cinnamon in Vietnam to export ports. This ensures timely and cost-efficient delivery of the spice to its destination.
  • Low tax: Vietnam’s trade agreements and treaties with various nations may result in low or zero import taxes on cinnamon in Vietnam in these markets. This can provide cost advantages for cinnamon importers, enabling them to offer the spice at a competitive price in their local markets.
The developed potential when importing Vietnamese cinnamon

Average price of Vietnamese cinnamon

The price of cinnamon in Vietnam is one of the most concerns of cinnamon wholesalers. Let’s get deeper into the expenses and some factors that affect the price.

Referral price of Vietnamese cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon products

Price FOB ( $/MT )
Sticks 4780 – 6200
Powder 4230 – 5310
Broken 2830 – 3440
Split 3340 – 3980
Cigarette 5150 – 6320

The average wholesale price of Vietnamese cinnamon ranges from $2830 to $6320 per metric ton, as reflected in the data table of product prices. Importing broken cinnamon offers a cost-effective opportunity, as any broken sticks that occur during processing can be collected and sold at a reduced price. Cinnamon sticks and powder are the most widely exported and sought after products due to their versatility usage. Compared to other cinnamon wholesale prices, Vietnamese cinnamon price is quite affordable. 

Price of Vietnamese cinnamon

Factors influence the price of Vietnamese cinnamon

Several factors can influence the price of cinnamon in Vietnamese, including government policy, transportation costs, economic conditions and political stability:

  • Government policies: Government policies and regulations regarding trade, taxes, and production can impact the price of cinnamon from Vietnam. Recently, many governments in cinnamon-importing countries have implemented policies to support Vietnam cinnamon importing and trading, which can reduce the prices.
  • Transportation costs: The cost of transporting Vietnamese cinnamon from the production areas to export ports can also impact the price of the spice. Longer distance requires higher transportation cost and versace. Changes in transportation costs, such as fuel prices or infrastructure maintenance fees, can increase the price of cinnamon for buyers also.
  • Economic conditions: The economic status of the importing countries can also affect the price of Vietnamese cinnamon. Changes in economic conditions, such as inflation, currency exchange can impact consumer demand for the spice, which can then affect the price.
  • Political stability: The political stability of the importing countries can also influence the price of Vietnam cinnamon. Political turmoil or instability can disrupt trade and impact the price of cinnamon from Vietnam.
Factors influence the price of Vietnamese cinnamon

All about reliable Vietnamese cinnamon suppliers

Any company interested in selling Vietnamese cinnamon needs to have a thorough understanding of the country’s suppliers. We have information about trustworthy and dishonest suppliers that might help you to better comprehend this.

Types of cinnamon suppliers in Vietnam

There are two sorts of supplier of Vietnamese cinnamon, suppliers from material areas and wholesalers:

  • Local suppliers: Vietnam cinnamon suppliers who have their own sources of raw materials, produce and export the product themselves are known as local suppliers. This indicates that their supply is abundant and stable, with no interruptions or disruptions. This can be advantageous for importers who desire greater control and reduced costs.
  • Wholesalers: Cinnamon in Vietnam wholesalers purchase in large quantities from suppliers or manufacturers and then sell to retailers and other customers. They assist in the distribution process, providing benefits such as transparency, pricing, and support for the local community.
Types of Vietnamese cinnamon suppliers

Signs of scam Vietnamese cinnamon supplier

There has been a rise in fraudulent activities in the cinnamon industry recently. A fake supplier can be recognized by certain distinct characteristics:

  • Lack of representative office or business address in the host country
  • Lack of information about the raw material area and production plant
  • The cost of Vietnamese cinnamon appears too cheap and unusual 
  • Lack of certifications such as ISO, USDA Organic , and HACCP
  • Poor customer service
Signs of fraud Vietnamese cinnamon supplier

Some famous Vietnamese cinnamon suppliers you can refer to

Below are top 5 reliable Vietnam cinnamon suppliers that you can consider to co-work with.

Some famous Vietnamese cinnamon suppliers
  • Hanoi Cinnamon: Vietnamese cinnamon is exported by Hanoi Cinnamon for wholesale costs ranging from $2,200 to $4,500 per ton. The company has a reputation for producing high-quality products and was an early adopter of exporting agricultural products. They are now a major force in the agricultural sector, offering distributors products at costs that are both affordable and profitable.
  • Vina Samex: Vina Samex has been exporting Vietnam cinnamon for more than 20 years. They obtain their cinnamon from farmers in the Mekong Delta and employ stringent quality control procedures to guarantee the superiority of their goods. They have access to premium cinnamon because to their well-established network of farmers and suppliers in Vietnam. They have a thorough quality control procedure in place and are dedicated to upholding international standards.
  • Nghi Son Foods Group: Another significant exporter of Vietnamese cinnamon is Nghi Son Foods, which has skilled personnel dedicated to providing high-quality products. They have a sizable global presence, a wealth of expertise working with clients from all over the world, as well as a staff of professionals who are well knowledgeable about Vietnamese cinnamon and the spice business. They also have a strict quality control system in place to make sure that all international standards are satisfied.
  • Agrideco Vietnam Co.Ltd: Agrideco Vietnam takes great pride in their commitment to sustainability and morality practices. They work closely with the farmer community to ensure that their cinnamon is grown and harvested in a way that respects the environment and supports the local economy. This company also offers fair prices and fair labor practices for their workers, ensuring that everyone taking part in the production of cinnamon from Vietnam is treated with dignity and respect.
  • K-Agriculture: K-Agriculture is a famous company that was founded in 1996 with a focus on producing and shipping Vietnamese cinnamon to various parts of the globe. With over two decades of experience, this company has exported to more than 80 countries worldwide. In addition, K-Agriculture boasts a modern manufacturing facility that can offer different cinnamon varieties based on the preferences of their clients.
High-Quality Vietnamese Cinnamon Sticks The Best Choice For You Fri, 30 Jun 2023 02:39:10 +0000 Embark on a culinary adventure as we delve into the fascinating journey of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks. Known for its distinct flavor and aromatic qualities, Vietnamese cinnamon has become a staple in kitchens around the world. Get ready to awaken your senses and gain a deeper appreciation for the rich history and craftsmanship, major suppliers behind Vietnamese cinnamon sticks.

General information on Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

Let’s discover the product features of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks and how they can bring benefits for users and businesses.

Understanding the origin and cultivation of Vietnamese sticks cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon sticks, also known as cassia cinnamon sticks, are obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree, which is then rolled, like a chopstick. Vietnam cinnamon sticks are primarily grown in famous provinces and cities of Vietnam such as Yen Bai, Lang Son, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, etc.

To make cinnamon sticks the bark of the cinnamon tree is dried. The dried bark is then rolled into sticks, which can be used whole or ground into a powder for cooking and baking.

Vietnamese cinnamon sticks are a popular spice used in a wide variety of dishes, from sweet desserts like apple pie and cinnamon rolls to savory dishes like curries and stews. They are also commonly used to flavor coffee and tea. In addition, they can be used to treat coughs, and colds, and warm the body.

Some characteristics of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

Customers can easily identify Vietnamese cinnamon sticks compared to other types of cinnamon through some outstanding features below.

  • Appearance: Vietnam cinnamon sticks rolled into long, nice-looking sticks, about 20-45cm long. A diameter of 1cm is classified as a selection, usually 1,5 – 2 cm (high-quality goods from Vietnam).
  • Essential oil: The essential oil content of Vietnam cinnamon sticks is quite high, from 3.5-4%, so it creates a characteristic strong aroma and a rare spiciness in other types of cinnamon. The essential oil of cinnamon also depends on the time of harvest and storage time, and the way to preserve cinnamon sticks.
  • Aroma and Flavor: The spiciness, aroma, and flavor of cinnamon are determined by its essential oil content. The essential oil in Vietnamese cinnamon sticks (also called sticks cassia) is generally much larger than in Ceylon, so the aroma in Cassia is stronger, and more spicy. It is determined by the variety of cinnamon and possibly also the age of cinnamon extraction.
  • Color: Stick cinnamon in Vietnam are usually beautiful light brown, sometimes dark or light yellow. This color depends on the strength of the oil, the growing area, and the time of harvest. However, when Vietnamese cinnamon rolls are properly dried and packaged, its color is preserved and helps to enhance the aesthetics of the dishes and beverages used.

    Some characteristics of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

Various benefits and functions of cinnamon sticks Vietnamese

Vietnamese cinnamon sticks have various benefits and functions that very useful for your life.

  • Culinary use: Vietnam cinnamon sticks are used as a spice in many dishes, including soups, stews, and desserts, imparting a warm, sweet, and spicy flavor.
  • Medicinal properties: Vietnamese cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, which may help with digestion, reduce inflammation, and prevent infections. Moreover, it can help regulate blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • Dental health: Cinnamon sticks can be used to make a natural mouthwash or toothpick, helping to freshen breath and promote oral hygiene.
  • Natural insect repellent: The strong aroma of Vietnam cinnamon sticks can help deter insects like mosquitoes, ants, and moths.
  • Air freshener: Boiling cinnamon sticks in water or using them in a simmer pot can naturally freshen the air in your home.
  • Festive decoration: Cinnamon sticks can be used in wreaths, garlands, or other holiday decorations to add a festive touch and natural fragrance such as the Christmas festival. In addition, Vietnamese cinnamon sticks can be used in various craft projects, such as candle making, ornaments, and homemade gifts.
Various benefits and functions of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

Benefits of importing Vietnamese cinnamon sticks in bulk

Cinnamon brings many benefits to life and now the demand for spices, especially cinnamon, is increasing. So importing and purchasing cinnamon stick in bulk bring you many advantages as follows:

  • Good quality at a reasonable price: When you buy Vietnamese cinnamon sticks in bulk, you will get the most favorable price from the supplier with the quality of cinnamon that meets the customer’s own standards.
  • Stable output with abundant supply: Vietnam is one of the largest place to grow cinnamon and produce and export cinnamon in the world. Production will reach 45680 tonnes in 2021 and is mainly for export. This helps importers not to worry about a lack of goods.
  • Convenient transportation: Vietnam has a well-established transportation infrastructure, which makes it easier to import cinnamon sticks from the country timely. Additionally, the ports of Ho Chi Minh City and Hai Phong are major shipping hubs in the region.
  • Policy advantages: Vietnamese government imposes very little or no tax on Vietnamese cinnamon sticks. Moreover, Vietnam’s trade agreements with the EU facilitate the import and export of goods.
  • Political stability: Vietnam has a stable political situation and a stable rule of law. This ensures consistency in the supply chain to the importer and the full source is not affected.
Benefits of importing Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

The updated exporting price of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

Vietnamese cinnamon sticks price is divided by the degree of the cinnamon roll. If cinnamon is wide enough and thin, it will roll more beautifully when dried. Therefore the price will be higher. However, cinnamon stick types that differ only in roll do not differ in quality or specification.

Below is the wholesale price list of Vietnam cinnamon sticks that you can refer to.

Roll degree Price (USD/ton)
90% 5000-5050
80% 4850-4950
70% 4650-4750
It should be noted that the above price list is only valid for a certain period of time, and is subject to many factors such as market demand, weather conditions, tariffs of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks. In addition, the brand’s reputation also affects the export price of cinnamon sticks. Overall, price of cinnamon wholesale are increasing day by day due to the higher market demand for this spice.
The updated exporting price of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

The best suppliers of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks

The leading sticks cinnamon suppliers in Vietnam will bring you good quality products at the most competitive prices in the market. Here are some of the reliable suppliers you should know.

  • Hanoi Cinnamon Company: Hanoi Cinnamon Company is the reputable supplier of Vietnamese cinnamon, which offers a range of cinnamon products, including cinnamon sticks, powder, and essential oil. They pride themselves on producing high-quality cinnamon products using sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices. Their cinnamon sticks are reportedly hand-selected and carefully processed to ensure the best flavor and aroma. They reportedly export their cinnamon sticks to various international markets, including the US, Europe, and Asia. Hanoi Cinnamon Company may be a potential supplier to consider when looking for Vietnamese cinnamon sticks.

To get more information, you can contact them through:

Phone:  +84 961504190 (Whatsapp)



  • A Thinh Vietnam Company Limited: A Thinh Vietnam is a Vietnamese company specializing in the production and export of high-quality cinnamon products, including cinnamon sticks. They have over 20 years of experience in the industry and offer competitive prices.
  • Viet Spice Joint Stock Company: Viet Spice is a leading Vietnamese producer and exporter of spices, including cinnamon sticks. They have ISO 22000:2005 and HACCP certifications, ensuring the safety and quality of their products.

Vinasamex: Vinasamex offers a range of cinnamon products, including Vietnamese cinnamon sticks, powder, and oil. They reportedly use high-quality cinnamon bark sourced from the Vietnamese countryside to produce their products. Vinasamex also claims to use environmentally-friendly and sustainable practices in its production processes. They are specialized in producing organic cinnamon from Vietnam.

The best suppliers of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks


The journey of Vietnamese cinnamon sticks from farm to table is a fascinating process that involves the passion and expertise of local farmers and skilled artisans. From the careful cultivation and harvesting of the cinnamon tree to the meticulous processing and packaging, every step of the journey is marked by a commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

Vietnamese cinnamon stands out for its distinct flavor and aromatic qualities, making it a beloved spice in kitchens around the world. Whether used in baking, savory dishes, or traditional Vietnamese cuisine, Vietnam cinnamon sticks add depth and complexity to a wide range of recipes.

As consumers, it is important to be mindful of the sustainability and ethical considerations in the cinnamon industry. By choosing to support producers who prioritize responsible farming methods, we can contribute to the preservation of the environment and the long-term availability of this precious spice.

So the next time you reach for a jar of Vietnam cinnamon sticks, take a moment to appreciate the journey that this delightful spice has taken to reach your pantry. Let its aroma and flavor transport you to the lush cinnamon farms of Vietnam, where local farmers and skilled artisans work hand in hand to bring this coveted spice to your plate.

The Immense Potential Of Vietnamese Cinnamon Powder Wed, 17 May 2023 03:04:16 +0000 Vietnamese cinnamon powder has established a reputation for the cinnamon industry. Nevertheless, were you aware of the profitability and revenue generated by Vietnamese cinnamon powder, a highly sought-after variant of this spice? This article aims to unveil the answer for you, give information about characteristics, classification 

The overview look about Vietnamese cinnamon powder

This first part will provide the concept and basic features of Vietnam cinnamon powder that it is needed to understand obviously.

Overview of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

Outstanding features of Vietnam cinnamon powder

Vietnamese cinnamon powder is mostly made from cinnamon bark. However, some cinnamon powder is also made from cinnamon leaves:

Bark-based Vietnam cinnamon powder Leaf-based Vietnam cinnamon powder
Color Reddish-brown color Greenish-brown color
Taste Strong sweet and spicy flavor with a hint of pepper Milder and slightly herbaceous taste
Aroma Warm and fragrant aroma Fresh and mildly floral aroma
Oil content 1% to 2% 0.5% to 1.5%
Moisture 10% 7%
Coumarin Higher Lower

Vietnam cinnamon powder made from the bark of Vietnam cinnamon has a reddish-brown color, strong sweet and spicy flavor, and a warm fragrant aroma. It has high oil content (1% to 2%) and low moisture content (<10%). On the other hand, Vietnam cinnamon powder made from leaves exhibits a greenish-brown color, milder herbaceous taste, and fresh floral aroma. It contains lower oil content (0.5% to 1.5%) and moisture content (<7%), and a relatively lower coumarin content.

Outstanding features of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

How to preserve and store Vietnamese cinnamon powder

Under proper storage conditions, cinnamon powder can typically maintain its quality for about 1 to 3 years. To ensure the longest shelf life possible for high-quality cinnamon powder, especially Vietnamese cinnamon powder, follow these steps:

  • Choose the right container: Select an airtight container to store the cinnamon powder. Glass jars with a tight-fitting lid or food-grade plastic containers with a secure seal are suitable options.
  • Prepare the container: Ensure the container is clean and dry before transferring the cinnamon powder to it. Any moisture or residue can affect the quality and shelf life of the spice.
  • Portion control: Consider dividing the cinnamon powder into smaller portions if you purchased it in bulk. This way, you can open one portion at a time, keeping the rest sealed and protected.
  • Fill the container: Transfer the cinnamon powder to the container, leaving some headspace at the top. This extra space helps minimize air exposure when opening and closing the container.
  • Labeling: Clearly label the container with the date of purchase or the date you opened it. This will help you track its freshness and determine when it should be used by.
  • Store in a cool, dark place: Cinnamon powder should be stored away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. Choose a cool, dry cabinet or pantry for storage. Avoid placing it near the stove or other sources of heat.
  • Avoid excessive exposure: Try to minimize the amount of time the cinnamon powder is exposed to air and light. Repeated exposure can degrade the flavor and aroma of the spice.
  • Do not refrigerate: Cinnamon powder does not require refrigeration. In fact, storing it in the refrigerator can introduce moisture, causing clumping and potential spoilage.
  • Check for freshness: Over time, the flavor and potency of cinnamon powder diminish. It’s a good practice to check its freshness before using. If the aroma has significantly faded, it might be time to replace it.
How to preserve and store Vietnamese cinnamon powder

Material areas and quantity of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

Vietnam cinnamon powder may not be as extensive as the production of cinnamon in other forms due to the fact that Vietnamese cinnamon powder is more expensive and involves stringent standards and complex procedures.

However, Yen Bai and Quang Nam stand as the primary provinces where Vietnamese powder cinnamon is extensively produced, and the annual stock of cinnamon powder is estimated to reach thousands of tons.

Significant usages of Vietnam cinnamon powder

Vietnamese cinnamon powder offers a variety of advantages when it comes to cooking, health benefits and livestock fodder:

  • It imparts a unique and flavorful touch to both sweet and savory recipes, making it a versatile ingredient for baked goods, spiced beverages, curries, stews, marinades, and rubs.
  • In terms of health benefits, it contains antioxidants, has potential anti-inflammatory properties, and may aid in blood sugar regulation. 
  • In certain countries with cold climates, low-quality or inventory cinnamon powder is imported for use as animal feed to help keep livestock warm.
Significant usages of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

The developed potential when importing Vietnamese cinnamon powder

Importing Vietnam cinnamon powder holds great profit potential, making it an appealing product for importers. There are various reasons behind its profitability, which contribute to its attractiveness and the possibility of substantial earnings:

  • Enduring reputation: Vietnamese cinnamon is highly esteemed in cinnamon powder wholesale worldwide for its exceptional flavor, captivating aroma, and high concentration of cinnamaldehyde, offering potential health benefits.
  • Government support: Government support in agriculture via trade agreements provides importers of Vietnamese cinnamon with advantageous tariff rates, potentially resulting in lower or zero import taxes and enabling them to offer competitive prices in their respective markets.
  • Convenient transportation: Vietnam’s strong transportation network facilitates smooth and efficient delivery of cinnamon, both domestically and for export, promoting cost-effective logistics.
The developed potential when importing Vietnamese cinnamon powder

Average price of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

The pricing of Vietnam cinnamon powder is a significant concern for cinnamon wholesalers. In this discussion, we will delve into the costs involved and explore various factors that influence the price.

Price quotation for Vietnam cinnamon powder

Wholesale price $1360 to $4540 per ton
Retail price $2270 to $9090 per ton
Export price $910 to $3640 per ton

According to the recent trends of the cinnamon wholesale price, Vietnamese cinnamon powder typically tend to be lower than retail prices. Wholesalers purchase the product in large quantities and supply it to retailers, who, in turn, sell it to consumers. Export prices, on the other hand, may differ from wholesale and retail prices due to additional expenses like tariffs, shipping fees, and customs charges associated with international trade. Furthermore, when compared to other forms of cinnamon, powder is generally considered to be more expensive.

Factors influence the price of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

The pricing of Vietnamese cinnamon is influenced by various factors, including government policies, transportation costs, and economic and political stability:

  • Government policies impact prices through trade regulations and taxes, with some countries implementing measures to promote cinnamon import and trade.
  • Transportation costs, affected by distance, logistics challenges, and fluctuations in expenses like fuel prices and infrastructure maintenance fees, contribute to price variations.
  • Economic and political stability in importing countries affect prices through factors such as inflation, currency exchange rates, consumer demand, political turmoil, and trade disruptions.
Average price of Vietnamese cinnamon powder

All about reliable Vietnamese cinnamon powder suppliers

Knowing reliable and untrustworthy suppliers of Vietnamese powder cinnamon is crucial for businesses interested in trading it. We have gathered data to help you make informed decisions about suppliers.

Types of Vietnam cinnamon powder suppliers

Vietnam cinnamon powder suppliers can be categorized into two groups: local suppliers and wholesalers:

  • Local suppliers: Local suppliers have their own sources of raw materials and production facilities, offering a stable supply with control and potential cost savings for importers.
  • Wholesalers: Wholesalers distribute large quantities of Vietnamese cinnamon powder to retailers and customers, providing benefits like transparency, competitive pricing, and support to the local community.
Types of Vietnamese cinnamon powder suppliers

Signs of Vietnamese cinnamon powder supplier scams

In the cinnamon industry, fraudulent activities have been on the rise. It is important to be aware of certain key indicators that can help identify a fake Vietnamese cinnamon powder supplier:

  • Absence of a representative office or legitimate business address in the host country.
  • Insufficient information regarding the raw material area and production plant.
  • Unusually low and suspiciously cheap prices for Vietnamese powder cinnamon.
  • No certifications such as ISO, HACCP, and USDA Organic.
  • Poor quality of customer service.
Signs of Vietnamese cinnamon powder supplier scams

Some famous Vietnam cinnamon powder suppliers you can refer to

Here are the top five reputable suppliers of Vietnamese cinnamon that you can consider collaborating with:

  • Hanoi Cinnamon: Hanoi Cinnamon is a prominent exporter of Vietnamese cinnamon powder, offering competitive wholesale prices ranging from 2200 to 4500 USD per ton. Renowned for their commitment to quality products and early entry into the agricultural export market, they have emerged as a key player in the industry. Collaborating with Hanoi Cinnamon can yield significant profits for distributors due to their competitive pricing strategies.
  • Vina Samex: Vina Samex is an experienced exporter of Vietnamese powder cinnamon with over 20 years of industry expertise. They source cinnamon from farmers in the Mekong Delta and ensure high-quality standards through rigorous quality control measures. With a wide network of farmers and suppliers in Vietnam, they have access to premium-grade cinnamon. Vina Samex is committed to meeting international standards and maintaining strict quality control.
  • Nghi Son Foods Group: Nghi Son Foods Group is a leading exporter of Vietnam cinnamon powder, known for their commitment to delivering high-quality products. With a strong global presence and experienced professionals, they have a wealth of expertise in serving clients worldwide. Their team comprises knowledgeable experts in Vietnamese cinnamon and the spice industry. Nghi Son Foods Group also implements a strict quality control system to adhere to international standards.
  • Agrideco Vietnam Co.Ltd: Agrideco Vietnam places a strong emphasis on sustainability and ethical principles, valuing their commitment to these practices. They actively collaborate with the farming community to cultivate and harvest cinnamon in an environmentally conscious manner while promoting local economic development. Moreover, Agrideco Vietnam is dedicated to fair pricing and fair labor practices, guaranteeing the well-being and respect of all individuals involved in the production of Vietnam cinnamon powder.
  • K-Agriculture: K-Agriculture, established in 1996, is a renowned company specializing in the production and export of Vietnamese cinnamon powder to numerous global destinations. With over 20 years of experience, they have successfully supplied cinnamon to over 80 countries worldwide. The company takes pride in its modern manufacturing facility, capable of providing various types of cinnamon tailored to meet the specific preferences of their clients.
Vietnamese Cinnamon Vs Regular Cinnamon The Main Differences Fri, 22 Apr 2022 09:39:32 +0000 Cinnamon trade is unquestionably on the increase today. Have you ever wondered what the differences are between Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon? The article below will help you distinguish Vietnamese cinnamon differences compared to other cinnamon types. Attentively, the scope of regular cinnamon in this piece will focus on cinnamon types coming from Indonesia, China, and Sri Lanka. 

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon a general introduction

Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and Sri Lanka are the four biggest world cinnamon hubs. A quick rundown about these four types will equip you with basic knowledge before examining Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

Definition of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon is an annual plant native to mainland Southeast Asia that belongs to the Cassia species. When comparing Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, you need to know the following facts. Currently, cinnamon exporting is on the rise in Vietnam, one of the world’s leading cinnamon producers. 

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Vietnamese cinnamon definition

Regular cinnamon: in this situation, refer to other cinnamon types from China, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. 

  • Indonesian cinnamon: also described as Korintje Cinnamon or Padang Cassia, is a popular spice in Indonesia. Cinnamomum burmannii is the scientific name for Indonesian cinnamon. Cinnamon from Indonesia is an evergreen tree with scented bark and smooth, angular branches that grows up to 7 meters tall. The shiny green, round leaves are around 10 centimeters long and 3 centimeters to 4 centimeters broad. Early in the summer, little yellow flowers appear, producing a deep drupe.
  • Chinese cinnamon: is a South and Southeast Asian fir tree that originated in southern China and is widely planted there and worldwide. The tree reaches a height of 10 to 15 meters, with gray bark and stiff, oblong leaves that are 10 to 15 centimeters long and reddish in tone when young.
  • Sri Lanka cinnamon: Cinnamomum verum is a tiny green tree endemic to Sri Lanka that belongs to the Lauraceae family. Cinnamomum verum trees may reach a height of 10 to 15 meters. The leaves are round in form and range in length from 7 to 18 centimeters. The blooms are greenish in color and have a unique odor. They are grouped in panicles. A solitary seed is contained in a violet 1-centimeter drupe.
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Main sources of cinnamon in the world

Is Vietnamese cinnamon the same as Saigon cinnamon

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding Vietnamese and Saigon cinnamon. Before going deeper into the Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon debate, this section will clarify the two sorts.

  • Simply speaking, Vietnamese cinnamon is Saigon cinnamon, but Saigon cinnamon is not the same as Vietnamese cinnamon. Saigon cinnamon is a kind of Vietnamese cinnamon. Meanwhile, Vietnamese cinnamon refers to the Cassia varieties that represent the country of Vietnam.
  • The confusion between these two types stems from a long time ago when a brand called “Saigon cinnamon” was marketed internationally. Foreigners began to refer to Vietnamese cinnamon as “Saigon cinnamon” after that. There have been numerous debates over the naming and origin of Vietnamese cinnamon up to now.

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon Which is better

Which is superior: Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon? In this part, we will look at how Vietnamese cinnamon differs from other cinnamons.

Key features of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

This section will compare and contrast the features of Vietnamese cinnamon vs normal cinnamon. First and foremost, have a look at the table below for a quick summary of the board.

  • By comparison, Chinese cinnamon has the lowest wholesale price. In the Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon clash, this is its strongest strength. The first reason is that Chinese cinnamon has a relatively low Coumadin content. Secondly, traders claim that China supplies boiled cinnamon plants with minimal levels of essential oil, then the price is shockingly cheap. 
  • Ceylon cinnamon from Sri Lanka, on the other hand, is the most costly. The high cost is due to the manual manufacture and extremely low coumadin levels.
  • In the duel of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, Vietnamese cinnamon has a few advantages. The apparent one is the exceptional flavor, which has a powerful flavor and a complex scent. However, the high coumadin level is a big drawback. 
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Comparison of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon in features

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon Main domestic distribution 

The section will provide the main domestic distribution and importers of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon. Let’s find out the similarities as well as differences between them. 

Almost all cinnamon kinds are comparable when it comes to domestic distribution.

  • Climate: A warm subtropical to tropical climate with high temperatures and abundant rainfall describes nearly all domestic distribution across four nations. Cinnamon thrives in humid climates with abundant rain and annual rainfall exceeding 2000 mm.
  • Geography: Cinnamon is mostly grown in highland or coastal areas in these nations. Because cinnamon develops at a height of roughly 1,000 meters, highland places like Yen Bai in Vietnam, the Sinharaja rainforest area in Sri Lanka, or Kericin, Sumatra, Indonesia are ideal. Coastal areas in China, such as Guangdong, and Vietnam’s Quang Ninh, on the other hand, facilitate cinnamon trade distribution.

In terms of international importers, there are certain differences between Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, aside from similarities.

  • Similarities: Clearly, the United States is the best export destination for all four varieties of cinnamon. Because of the big market and strong demand, North America is an ideal location for exporting cinnamon. Vietnamese cinnamon and Indonesian cinnamon are the most popular here.
  • Differences: While Mexico and European countries are the main importers of cinnamon from Sri Lanka, the Middle East countries account for a large portion of the export value of the other three types. The simplest explanation for this phenomenon is economics. Despite the exorbitant price, wealthy European countries are willing to pay for Sri Lankan cinnamon. Meanwhile, because the Middle East’s economy is diversified but largely undeveloped and developing, Cassia cinnamon from Indonesia, Vietnam, and China is a better fit.
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Main importers of exporters of four key cinnamon producers in the world

The potential development of Vietnamese cinnamon in the future

When comparing Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, Vietnamese cinnamon is estimated to have a lot of room for improvement.

  • Big cinnamon cultivation size. Currently, Vietnam has approximately 150,000 hectares for cultivating cinnamon as per estimation. Many areas, including Quang Ninh, have seen an increase in the size of Vietnamese cinnamon recently. Because of its larger size, Vietnamese cinnamon has more opportunities for improvement.
  • Stable political institutions. In contrast to Indonesia, which has had coups, Vietnam is a stable country with a one-party state. When comparing Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, Vietnamese cinnamon benefits from the government’s stable politics.
  • Dynamic economy. In the Asia Pacific, Vietnam is rated as a rising star. Vietnam’s growth rate is expected to reach 5.5 percent in 2022, as per the World Bank. Furthermore, according to a February 2017 prediction by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Vietnam’s economy might be the fastest-growing in the world by 2050, with an annual GDP growth rate of roughly 5.1 percent. Then, in Vietnam cinnamon vs regular comparison, Vietnam cinnamon proved to be the strong competitor.
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The potential of Vietnamese cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon Factors impacting the price

Whatever places cinnamon comes from, there are some crucial factors impacting their prices. These main key elements including supply, SPEC, demand, policies, and events will be provided in this section. 

Supply impacting the price of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

According to FAOSTAT, global cinnamon output was 222,122 tonnes in 2020. The top four producers were Indonesia, China, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka, with 91,242 tonnes, 72,531 tonnes, 31,429 tonnes, and 22,910 tonnes, respectively. Despite having a large supply, the price of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon is significantly different. While the price of cinnamon from Indonesia and China tends to remain consistent or even decline significantly, the price of cinnamon from Vietnam and Sri Lanka continues to climb. Due to a demand-supply mismatch, the price of Vietnamese cinnamon is higher than regular cinnamon, which might lead to inflation. Meanwhile, prices for Sri Lanka cinnamon have risen as the size of the growing area has shrunk in recent years. 

Demand impacting the price of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

In general, demand for all types of cinnamon is surging, particularly following the border closure period. According to a Statista analysis, European nations and the United States have seen a rising demand for spices including cinnamon. Nonetheless, there are significant variations between Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon. While the price of regular cinnamon is expected to stay stable, the price of cinnamon in Vietnam is projected to rise. The primary factor is still the demand-supply gap.

Policies impacting the price of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon

When it comes to tax rules when comparing Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, the price of Vietnamese cinnamon benefits from a number of advantages. The EVFTA, the free trade deal (FTA) with the most obligations for Vietnam, agreed to eliminate 99 percent of import tariff barriers between the two countries over a 7-10-year timeline. Tax rates on a variety of agricultural products, which Vietnam specializes in producing and selling, will be reduced quickly or within a short period of time.

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EUFTA Agreement impacting the price of Vietnamese cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon: Unpredictable events impacting the price

The prices of Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon are heavily influenced by variance. Adverse weather, politics, and the COVID-19 pandemic are the critical drivers having the most impact.

  • The pandemic of COVID-19: The Covid-19 epidemic is without a doubt one of the most serious threats to cinnamon trading. For a long time, the interruption in the supply chain and the closeness of the border caused price fluctuations in Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon.
  • Unfavorable climate: In the argument between Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon, Sri Lankan cinnamon is the most unique variety. The price of this cinnamon, which comes from Sri Lanka and has been affected by severe droughts in recent years, is pricier than it has ever been.
  • Political issue: Politics play an important role in all market trade, not only cinnamon. For example, the war between Russia and Ukraine has pushed up the price of cinnamon exports. In Indonesia, coups are a common occurrence that has a considerable effect on the price of cinnamon.
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Unexpected factors impacting the price of cinnamon

Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon: top providers

When looking for trustworthy cinnamon suppliers, the suggestions given below can save you a lot of time. The list below, includes both Vietnamese and regular cinnamon providers, giving you a wide range of options.

Hanoi Cinnamon

If you are looking for Vietnamese cinnamon, Vietnamese Cinnamon is the best choice for you. With over 20-year experience and the strong support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Hanoi Cinnamon has built strong credibility in the Vietnamese cinnamon market. Hanoi Cinnamon also owns a modern factory and prestigious certificates such as USDA Organic, FDA, UEBT, Global GAP, etc. This firm will deliver the greatest cinnamon without having to worry about whether Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon is superior.


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Hafimex is one of Vietnam’s leading cinnamon exporters and makers, and was founded in 2003 with the goal of “For A Healthy Food Chain.” With 500 hectares in Yen Bai, Vietnam’s cinnamon center, Hanfimex built their cinnamon factory in the raw-materials area. Between 2013 and 2020, this company racked up dozens of new impressive accomplishments in the world of cinnamon trade.

Cassia Co-op

Cassia Co-op is the very first cinnamon manufacturing and trading company to set up shop in Kerinci, Indonesia’s cinnamon capital. SUSTAINABILITY is the foundation of Cassia Co-op. Cassia Co-op is developing an effective and equitable supply chain in Sumatra, Indonesia, while also having a sustainable impact. This firm has obtained an Organic Certificate for cinnamon from Indonesia, as well as other certificates, ensuring the quality of its goods.

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Cassia Co-op

New Lanka Cinnamon (Pvt) Ltd.

New Lanka Cinnamon, which was created in 1980 and started exporting in 2010, is a leading cinnamon firm in Sri Lanka that offers the finest cinnamon pricing. The business is located in the Karandeniya of the Galle District. With an annual trade output of 1,000 metric tons, more than 100 employees, and various standardized credentials such as the ISO 22000 accreditation for Food Safety Management Systems, New Lanka Cinnamon is considered the top firm in Sri Lanka with the cheapest cinnamon pricing.

Jinan Gogo International Trade Co.,Ltd.

Jinan Gogo International Trade Co., Ltd is a Chinese corporation based in Jinan, the provincial capital of Shandong, a large agricultural region. Jinan Gogo is a cinnamon manufacturer and exporter specializing in agricultural goods. This business has over 26 years of professional experience in this sector and has shipped to a variety of nations and regions. If you’re looking for cinnamon kinds and aren’t sure if Vietnamese cinnamon or regular cinnamon is better, this firm is a fantastic choice.

To summarize, each type of cinnamon has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Hopefully, this essay has given you a good understanding of the differences between Vietnamese cinnamon vs regular cinnamon.

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Jinan Gogo International Trade Co